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Hi, my name is Kees Hagenaars and I am an aircraft photographer.
My main interest is military aircraft, both jets and propeller aircraft.
Let me explain why on this ‘About Me’ page.

In the early days of aviation, getting in the air and staying there was not easy.
Military aviation added an extra dimension to this hardship because pilots not only had to stay in the air and navigate, but also had to perform some mission.
Each designer in those early years of military aviation implemented their own solutions and ideas. If not elegant, the aircraft from this era are at least remarkable because each reflects their designers’ unique approach. As a result, the evolution of piston-driven propeller aircraft led to many different aircraft around the world.
By the end of WWII, the availability of jet-propulsion triggered a new phase in military aviation. With these more powerful engines, new missions were possible, resulting in new aircraft types and designs.
This diversity makes the (military) aircraft from those early years so interesting to watch.

Luckily, even today there are many airworthy airplanes from that era to watch …. and photograph.

In my perception, a new era began roughly in the mid-70’s. A new breed of fast, highly maneuverable and versatile aircraft emerged. Some examples are the F-15 ‘Eagle‘, the F-16 ‘Fighting Falcon‘, the MiG-29 ‘Fulcrum‘, the Su-27 ‘Flanker‘, the B-1 ‘Lancer‘. Their powerful engines, advanced avionics to support the pilot and an impressive array of weapons allow these modern aircraft to accomplish many different missions.
These and later modern aircraft are truly impressive to watch. In their natural habitat, up in the air, they never cease to impress me.

I hope the aircraft you find on my website capture your attention in the same manner as they did with me.

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